Tuesday, October 2, 2012

KBB#31: Who Ate The Pies?

Resep Rough Puff Pastry
By Gordon Ramsay

250g tepung protein tinggi
1 sdt garam
250g mentega, di suhu ruangan namun tidak lembek
150ml air dingin

    Ayak tepung dan garam ke dalam mangkuk lebar. Robek-robek atau iris mentega hingga potongannya kecil-kecil (dadu juga boleh tapi jangan terlalu fine), masukkan ke dalam campuran tepung dan garam dan remas sekedarnya. Kita masih harus bisa lihat bentuk mentega di dalam adonan.
    Buatlah lubang di tengah-tengah adonan dan tuangkan 2/3 air dingin, aduk hingga membentuk adonan padat tambahkan lagi air dingin jika perlu. Bungkus dengan plastik bening dan biarkan istirahatdi kulkas selama 20 menit.
    Keluarkan dan letakkan di atas papan kerja yang sudah ditaburkan sedikit tepung, uleni seringan-ringannya dan bentuklah adonan menjadi empat persegi panjang. Gilas adonan hanya ke satu arah hingga 3 kali lebar asal, sekitar 20 x 50cm. Jaga sisi-sisi pastry tetap lurus dan rata. Jangan terlalu lama menguleni mentega yang terlihat nyata di dalam adonan, karena adonan yang seharusnya baik (untuk rough puff pastry) adalah adonan anda memiliki efek marble (dengan mentega--don't think about chocolate, girls!)
    Lipat pertiga atas adonan ke tengah-tengahnya, lalu lipat sepertiga adonan bawah ke atas dan di atas lipatan tadi. Putar adonan 1/4 turn (ke kiri atau ke kanan) dan gilas lagi hingga 3 kali lipas panjangnya. Lipat seperti sebelumnya (like you would puff pastry, girls), bungkus dengan plastik bening dan biarkan dingin kurleb 20 menit sebelum digilas untuk dipakai.

Hot Water Pastry
by Donna Hay

150g butter, chopped
160ml water
375g all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp sea flakes

Place the butter and water in a saucepan over high heat and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat. Add the flour and salt and stir until a smooth dough forms. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic.

Beef, Guinness and Mushroom Pies
by Donna Hay
Guinness bisa ditiadakan bagi kita yang mengkonsumsi minuman non-alkohol.

1 Tbs olive oil
1.5kg beef brisket, chopped into 6cm pieces
1 brown onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon tomato paste
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon brown sugar
500ml beef stock
430ml Guinness beer
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
300g Swiss brown mushrooms, halved
2 x quantities hot water pastry

Heat the oil in a heavy-based saucepan over high heat. Add the beef and cook, in batches for 4 minutes or until browned. Set aside. Add the onion and garlic and cook for 3 minutes or until softened. Add the tomato paste and Worcestershire sauce and cook for a further 1 minute. Return the beed to the pan with the sugar, stock and beer. Reduce heat to low and simmer, covered, for 1 hour. Remove the beef and shred with a fork. Add the flour to the pan and cook, stirring, for 2-3 minutes or until thickened. Remove from the heat, add the beef and mushrooms and stir to combine. Refrigerate until cooled.

Preheat oven to 200C. Divide the pastry in half and roll each portion out between 2 sheets of non-stick baking paper to 4mm thick. Line a lightly greased 17cm x 35cm pie tin with 1 sheet of the pastry. Spoon the filling into the pastry and place the remaining pastry on top. Press the edges to seal and trim the excess pastry. Brush with the eggwash and bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden. Serves 4-6.



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